Different Schools are starting to use blogs to keep students, parents, and teachers connected with each other. Blogs are set up on the Internet by either county or state. I found example of each of those circumstances. The two different example I found were Goochland County Public Schools and Washington State Public Schools.
In Washington State Public Schools they use their blogs to share a large amount of information. Everything that is going on in the schools is put on the blogs. For example they have the school calendar, school policies, and even a blog on when the teachers went on strike. All of the different topics and the number of blogs pertaining to that topic is on the right side of the web page at http://wateachers.blogspot.com/ . The way this web page is set up gives everyone easy access.
In Goochland County Public Schools the blogs are used differently. On the home page, http://blogs.glnd.k12.va.us/teachers/ , they give the definitions of the different terms used for blogs and explain how to use them. On the left hand side each teacher created their own blog. On their blogs it gives weekly assignments, policies of the classroom , and topics they will be discussing in class. This is a wonderful blog setup. It even gives contact information if a parent needs to get in contact with the teacher.
When I was in elementary or middle school we did not have access for this type of communication. My junior year of high school our school was starting Edline. That system did help, but it was not always current. I think blogs are great way to keep everyone posted on all the calendar events, assignment, or even a quick question. I look forward to using a blog for my classroom.